Brown, Timothy A, & Barlow, David H. (2009). A proposal for a dimensional classification system based on the shared features of the DSM-IV anxiety and mood disorders: implications for assessment and treatment. Psychological assessment, 21(3), 256-271.
略語 | 英語 | 和訳 |
AN | anxiety-neuroticism | 不安‐神経症性 |
BA/P | behavioral activation-positive affect | 行動的活性化-ポジティブアフェクト |
DEP | unipolar depression | 単極性うつ |
MAN | mania | 躁 |
SOM | somatic anxiety | 身体的不安 |
PAS | panic and related autonomic surges | パニックと関連した自律神経系の高まり |
IC | intrusive cognitions | 侵入的認知 |
SOC | social evaluation | 社会的評価 |
TRM | past trauma | 過去のトラウマ |
AV-BI | behavioral and interoceptive avoidance | 行動的・内部感覚的回避 |
AV-CE | cognitive and emotional avoidance | 認知的・情動的回避 |